外国人の申し込みが多すぎて1回に入りきれなかったので、第2回を設定しました。 日本のみなさま、ぜひご参加ください。 外国人からはすでに40名の申し込みが入っています。
急遽設定した日程はは下記の通りです。 ●テーマ;外国人と日本の秋について話そう! ●11月3日(木)21:00~22:00 ●参加費用は無料 参加申し込みは下記リンクからどうぞ。 https://www.delacruz-jp.com/dcecnccafe
●What are the factors of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the Web Cafe?
・There's no dissatisfaction at all. In fact, I'm so satisfied because I met and got a chance to know other people.
・I’m satisfied with the web cafe especially the topic is autumn
・I gain knowledge in this seminar
・For me the satisfaction factor is that I learned something about their culture through sharing of Japanese people about their experience, given the limited time. And the dissatisfaction factor for me is the limited time.
・I love the interaction we had with legit Japanese people.
・I simply suggest that maybe that the webinar can last a little longer. Because the topic of the webinar is interesting, especially those who shared their own experiences are Japanese people.
I am so satisfied with the overall experience with the Web Cafe, I learned lot about autumn in japan and the lifestyle of people in japan during autumn.
