The DCEC Web Café was held on May 27.
Those who wanted to learn Japanese participated and enjoyed the event.
Here is some feedback from those who participated.
Please read this and you are welcome to join us next time.

Q:What are the factors of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the Web Cafe?
・It was a breathe of fresh air for me.
The cafe was very beginner-friendly, and I'd like to
second that communicative approach is best for
Japanese learners. I learned Japanese the traditional way,
like too focused on grammar, kanji and goi, etc.
I have lots and lots of input; however,
I still can't speak confidently. So, I really loved
the cafe's relaxing environment. I also learned about
Japanese culture, and it excites me more to learn
about Hokkaido (my fave place in Japan teehee).
・very satisfied with the main facilitator and the topic
as well as the flow of the webinar cafe was very timely
and efficient
・Topic & the eagerness of the teacher to teach