Hello. Welcome to Jenni's Pika Pika Japanese.
Yesterday, we received news that the Kanto region has entered the rainy season. There is a concern of heavy rain this week and many rainy and cool days are expected to continue, so it may not be suitable for going out for a while.
Well, today's podcast is about summer in Japan. Please enjoy this commentary on summer in Japan in English. https://open.spotify.com/episode/59xUEW61XbnJrl3vks2qeV
Now, one of the most unique things in Japan is a shrine. So, do you know what a shrine is? A shrine is a ritual institution of Shinto, a religion unique to Japan.
Today I would like to introduce some of those shrines that are beautiful and photogenic.
Kuzuryu-jinja Shrine is a superb viewpoint where you can enjoy Mt. Fuji and the torii gate floating on Lake Ashinoko at the same time.
Arakurafuji Sengen Shrine You have probably seen the photo of the five-story pagoda reflected in the background of Mt.Fuji.
Motonosumi Shrine The contrast between the blue of the Sea of Japan and the 123 red torii gates is wonderful.
Itsukushima Shrine is a World Heritage site in Hiroshima, and its vermilion torii gates and shrine pavilions built under the sea are mysteriously beautiful.
こんにちは。 ジェニのピカピカ日本語へようこそ。
昨日、関東地方が梅雨入りしたというニュースが入ってきました。 今週は大雨の心配があるのと、雨の日が多くひんやりとした日が続くとのことなので、しばらくはお出かけに適さないかもしれないですね。
英語で日本の夏をお楽しみください。 https://open.spotify.com/episode/59xUEW61XbnJrl3vks2qeV
さて、日本独特のものと言えば神社を挙げられます。 では、神社とは何だかご存じですか? 神社とは日本固有の宗教である神道の祭祀施設です。

新倉富士浅間神社 (あらくらふじせんげんじんじゃ) 富士山をバックに映る五重塔の写真は、あなたも一度は見たことがあるのではないでしょうか?

元乃隅神社 日本海の青さと123基ならぶ赤い鳥居のコントラストが素晴らしい。

